Water is an indispensable natural resource for society, used in all branches of industry, it is also used in all technological processes that occur in food preparation, but also in individual households where it is used to support life and provide food until consumption. in order to stay hydrated and maintain our health.
Drinking water must be sanogenic, clean, free of microorganisms and physical and chemical contaminants or any other foreign impurities.
Therefore, ICA R&D is at your disposal with a complete set of analyzes for drinking water, mineral waters, but also wastewater from various technological processes:
- Complete organoleptic examination: (color, taste, smell, etc.)
- Nutritional information: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium.
- Physico-chemical analyzes: pH, turbidity, cyanides, conductivity, nitrites, nitrates, ammonium, free residual chlorine, sulfides and hydrogen sulfide, oxidability, chlorides, hardness, etc.
- Heavy metals: aluminum, iron, cadmium, lead, manganese, nickel, mercury, sodium, etc.
- Pesticides: the sum of all compounds or the determination of the class of compounds.
- Dioxins and POPs: tetrachlorodibenzo-dioxin (TCDD), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), etc.
- Microbiological analysis: total number of germs (NTG), coliform bacteria, escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci, clostridia, pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.
In addition, ICA R&D is ready to assist you in several analyzes for wastewater from any industry:
- Aluminum
- Ammoniacal nitrogen
- Ammonium
- Anthracene
- Arsenic
- Benzo (g, h, i) perilen
- Benzo-a-anthracene
- Benzo-a-pyrene
- Biochemical oxygen consumption (CBO5) – determined together with (CCOCr)
- Cadmium
- Carbonates
- Chemical oxygen consumption (CCOCr)
- Chloride
- Chromium
- Coliform bacteria
- Conductivity
- Copper
- CSR index
- Dioxins and POPs
- Dissolved oxygen
- Dry substance
- Extractable substances with organic solvents
- Fecal coliform bacteria
- Fecal streptococci
- Filtered residue at 105 ° C
- Fluoranthene, benzo-b-
- Fluoranthene, benzo-k
- Free residual chlorine
- Hydrogen carbonate
- Indene (1,2,3-cd) pyrene
- Intestinal enterococci
- Iron
- Lead
- Manganese
- Mercury
- Naphthalene
- Neionic biodegradable synthetic detergents
- Nickel
- Nitrates (Nitrates)
- Nitrites (Nitrites)
- Oxidisability
- Pesticides – Total compounds
- Petroleum products
- pH
- Phenol index
- Phenols
- Phosphates
- Saline residue
- SAR index
- Selenium
- Selenium
- Solvent extractable substances
- Sulfates
- Sulfides and hydrogen sulfide
- Sulfites
- Sulfites
- Suspended materials
- Suspended materials
- Synthetic detergents
- Synthetic detergents
- Tin
- Total chlorine
- Total chrome
- Total coliform bacteria
- Total cyanides
- Total dissolved substances – TDS
- Total iron
- Total nitrogen
- Total nitrogen
- Total phosphorus
- Total phosphorus
- Trichloromethane
- Turbidity
- Zinc
For more information, you can always contact an ICA R&D representative, to provide you with all the necessary information and guide you in choosing the set of analyzes you need so that we can then make you an offer of services appropriate to the situation and your product.
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Analize, teste, audit, monitorizare.
Analize, teste, audit, monitorizare.
Analize, teste, audit, monitorizare.
Analize, teste, audit, monitorizare.